" Last night my husband gave me the nicest compliment. He said “You’ve turned into the woman I saw in you all along, and that woman is beyond my wildest dreams”. I would have never become that woman if not for your course on intimacy. How can I ever thank you? "
Guess what.
You’ve got a lot of the answers.
I can help you discover them.
You’ve tried many things.
Maybe you’ve read books, spoken to mentors, your kallah teacher, your older and wiser friend.
Perhaps you've opened up to therapists, the community Rav, your husband Rosh Yeshiva (you were mortified! I know! And you did it anyway because you really value your marriage and have a burning desire to figure out this intimacy thing).
You listened online and by phone to various Shalom Bayis courses, attended live marriage workshops.
And good for you! Doing all these has gotten you to where you are today.
But you’re reading this, and maybe you're thinking - I’m ready for more.
You are, aren't you?
MORE joy
MORE pleasure
MORE connection
MORE wholeness
" Honestly, I was skeptical when I saw your advertising. I thought it's going to be another one of those marriage workshops when they say that everything is so rosy or should be rosy and just give chizzuk. But you spoke about the honest reality for some of us. I felt I was understood and validated (thinking: hey! I'm not the only crazy one who thinks/feels that!) and you actually gave practical advice for things I thought there were no solutions for. "
Intimacy has become just another thing to check off your looooong “To Do” list.
It’s turned into something you’ve got to do for him, hoping that once you pay your dues, you’ll have a few nights of quiet.
Wear too many hats.
There’s so little of you left by the end of the day.
All you crave is...sleep!!!
But you’ve got to be together, no? “It’s the glue that holds the marriage together”, they say.
What makes you even more resentful is that you’ve been taught it’s HIS obligation to YOU. Huh??
“I’ll take some schmoozing on the couch, you can tell me about your day and ask me about mine”
Then you can tuck me right into bed.
And get up for the baby when he cries so I can get one night of solid, uninterrupted sleep.
Guilty for not wanting something you SHOULD want (but don’t really).
Normal women WANT this. No?
What’s wrong with me?
TONS of women struggle when it comes to intimacy.
Many couples keep hitting a dead end.
This leaves you feeling-
You WISH you knew how to relax and enjoy
You WISH you felt confident in fulfilling your husband
You WISH you felt more positively about marital intimacy
" I used to struggle so much because I was always so tense and stressed. Your class on being present, slowing down and conscious touching has changed not only my intimate life but many other areas as well. "
Let’s face it.
Marital Intimacy is COMPLEX.
For pretty much everyone.
But listen up. It doesn't have to be.
It need not be the trap you and your husband fall into time and time again.
Intimacy was given to you as a source of tremendous growth, connection, deep love and passion.
Sure it’s a process and it takes investing and patience.
But Marital Intimacy CAN flow naturally.
It can and WILL become a beautiful part of your marriage.
You too, deserve to experience intimacy as something that connects you deeply, and makes you whole like nothing else.
The beauty of this is that it’s within your reach. Hiding right beneath the surface, under layers of accumulated resentment, judgment, criticism, lack of understanding and confusion.
" As you’ve said, there is no magic wand. But through your course I’ve learned to accept intimacy as a source of mutual growth and an ongoing opportunity to deepen our relationship. This alone has freed so much space and taken away a great deal of stress. Add to that all the amazing things you taught me, intimacy is so much smoother these days and a lot more enjoyable. "
" I wanted to tell you that I feel a significant change in myself.
Being part of this course , listening to the classes, reviewing and trying to implement these tools and insights in my life, made me feel much more interested, turned on and capable.
I feel like the course is giving me the confidence and the knowledge, to prove to myself that I know how to BE"H work the system and improve my bond with my husband. "
By joining Unblock Your Way to Oneness I will gain:
Dear friend,
If you find yourself struggling with marital intimacy, this letter is for you.
The information I share in the Unblock Your Way to Oneness course is life altering.
You will be exposed to a wealth of knowledge and understanding which will completely revolutionize the way you think about marital intimacy.
It will give you tools and the ability to reignite the spark, and reclaim true love and passion between you and your husband.
It's so prevalent for women nowadays to struggle with marital intimacy.
After all it IS a multilayered, complex, loaded topic.
For pretty much everyone.
I know, because I've been there.
I know what it feels like to grope in the dark.
Since it's such a private topic, many couples suffer in silence, not knowing where to turn for clarity and direction.
Years ago I set out on a journey to find the light and G-d has blessed me in more ways than I can ever grasp.
He has blessed me with discovering the positivity and clarity with which Torah views intimacy, and translating all that knowledge into a practical step by step guide of how to actually get there.
Over the years I've been blessed with the honor of assisting hundreds of married women and kallahs (brides) as they too discover the light.
Marital intimacy, once the source of much frustration, resentment and guilt, has become a cornerstone in the happy homes of the many women I've worked with.
This change can happen for you! It's a lot simpler than you think.
You too can identify and resolve much of what might be getting in your way of having a satisfying, fulfilling and joyous intimate bond with your husband.
G-d gave us marital intimacy as one of the biggest gifts to mankind.
Lack of basic, and not so basic info, can be the root of many common struggles.
Learning and gaining tools and wisdom can do wonders to reignite the spark.
You and your husband have the right to experience true wholeness and the pleasure of a deep connection.
The oneness is innately yours.
Come learn how to access and express it.
Wishing you an ever growing marriage,
" I think every Jewish woman can gain from this course. (even if she thinks she has an amazing marriage).
Because this subject is so confusing! and rarely talked about.
You have no idea how many insights and improvements that you suggested were very applicable for me!
And you know what, I feel very privileged and lucky to be doing this for my marriage, my husband and for myself.
Thank you so much for making this possible! "
so you can listen from the privacy of your own home at the time that works best for you.
so you can integrate all the new insights and information you acquire and translate them from “theoretical knowledge” to “real bedroom life”.
so you can review and revisit the material and gain new insights with every round of revision.
* You will have access to the course as long as it is active.
You are guaranteed a minimum of 1 year of access.
If the course is discontinued for any reason, you will be notified by email and given three months to complete the material.
Draw Your Marriage:
Give a name to your unique struggles to gain a clearer understanding of what’s going on in your relationship. Instill within you a sense of clarity and hope.
"Session one was unlike ANYthing I've EVER heard!! Really not the typical!!! It spoke in VOLUMES!!! And echoed back the truth to me in such a gentle, soft way! So soothing so healing and oh so growth spurring!!!"
The Power to Hurt or Heal:
Pave the way to a deep emotional relationship with yourself and your husband.
Once you reach new levels of compassion, the yearning and passion for each other will happen almost automatically.
"This lesson helped me understand my husband so much better and understand myself better and realize how normal I am and how normal he is! What a relief.
This lesson is a must for every couple to hear!"
Marital Intimacy - Introduction:
Explore the basics of marital intimacy: How to talk about it with your husband, clarify your doubts, and set the highest standard for true connection: the standard G-d has in mind for us.
"While hearing and reviewing session 3 (I'm taking it seriously :)! I realize that it's something I was never taught - and better now than never. Also, I feel like I owe and deserve this learning to my husband, myself and my marriage)"
Marital intimacy - Male programming:
Delve deeply into how a man works - in mind, body and soul. Learn how to respond, react and receive from your husband when he expresses his feelings for you.
Realize just how adored you become when you understand and embrace his male nature without judgment.
"Of course, I gained tremendously from every session. Especially session 4, mainly because most of it was new to me! and like every area in life, there is always room to grow and improve."
Marital intimacy - Female programming:
Learn how to work with your body instead of against it. The oh so common frustration can evaporate!
Arrive at this special encounter happy, anticipating and ready through preparing mind, body and soul for intimacy.
"Although this is not the first time I've heard what the differences are between male and female, you gave me a much deeper understanding of what they are and how they manifest themselves in a marriage. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and your ability to explain and teach these important topics in the deepest and most beautiful way. I want you to know that ever since I watched these sessions, I have been a lot more sensitive and cognizant of both mine and my husband's needs. It has been an empowering experience . Thank you for giving me tools to build a beautiful, meaningful and growing marriage!"
Marital intimacy - Additional sources and resources:
True pleasure that grows deeper over time.
Achieve higher heights of connected and fulfilling intimacy.
Explore in what high regard Torah holds the mutual fulfillment of both husband and wife.
Healthy Attitude Towards Body and Pleasure:
What is the secret to becoming an attractive and radiant woman?
Your ability to stop and smell the roses. Mastering this art fills you with confidence and vitality.
It’s YOUR responsibility and ability to create that passion between you and your husband.
You have what it takes!
"I am enjoying the course very much. The last class was great.
Expansiveness is the name of the game. And I also find myself focusing on my femininity (is that the word?) a lot more these days, which is good all around. Everything in my marriage is rosier due to the attention it's getting and I appreciate that."
Differentiation, Love Languages, and Maintenance:
Reveal the most fundamental secret of a healthy successful relationship, inside the bedroom and out.
Learn how to look inward and realize just how loved you really are.
With this newfound confidence and self-love, making time for intimacy will become top priority.
Male/Female Differences in Relationship:
Learn how to effectively communicate with your man ;-)
Better understand what makes both of you tick.
Clearly recognize how those daily frustrations are due to the fact that you are female and he is male. You'll be able to giggle: “Oh, what a classic man…”
Conflict as Opportunity for Closeness:
Realize that the most challenging areas of your relationship are gifts. Big gifts.
You may even welcome wholeheartedly the next conflict.
Gain the understanding that conflict is NOT a problem and can contribute to your growth.
Love the person you become through working on your marriage.
"Firstly, I wanted to thank you so much! I have really enjoyed the course. I find with marriage, that often it's the simple things that get in the way, and you have really pin-pointed them and enabled me to focus on them. Also, I find that it is a great spring board of conversation for my husband and I. Things that I may have been weary to bring up, or unsure how to actually bring up, you have addressed, and then when my husband asks how the class went, I can bring them up gently! So Thank you..."
So What Does It Really Mean To Respect My Husband...?:
This class will give you back your man.
The man you’ve always wanted.
The man you can lean on and trust.
You will be able to let go and relax.
There will be space for your husband to take responsibility because you will learn how to let go and be a woman…
You have it within you.
I know you do.
"Just finished session 11. It's soooooo beautiful!!!!! It so gracefully finishes the course and ties everything in. It's coming from your heart and therefore goes right into my heart!!!!!!
I always had a gorgeous marriage Bh. But your course made it even more so!!!!! It just took it to new levels!!!!! It is just an amazing amazing experience and you are very lucky to be enhancing so many marriages. Even my mom is addicted to the course!!! Whoever I talk to just feels swept away with your words !! It's a magical feeling that you convey when you give over the lessons!!!
Many thanks and may hashem bless you with healthy and wealthy Years and everything good so that you may continue to do this for years to come and reach and teach every woman out there!!!!!
It was such a gorgeous journey indeed!"
Here are the 3 you get when you join the intimacy course:
Value $47
Value $47
Value $47
This class is the foundation of it all.
Many struggles evaporate when we get it straight. Torah is life! and Hashem gave us clear guidelines through Torah to experience a fulfilling intimate relationship.
"I am really impressed and excited about your presentation of the positive view of intimacy. I learned a lot of these ideas many years ago, when I trained as a kallah teacher, but your open approach seems to reach more to the core of the issues, and leave the listener feeling uplifted and inspired."
Practically every woman is going to suffer from pain during intercourse at some point in her life. For some women, it’s a constant struggle, for others it’s every now and then. In this class, we explore the different pain conditions and suggest some solutions and healing techniques. A must for every married woman!
There is no greater gift a parent can give their child than a positive and healthy attitude regarding sexuality.
I've seen time and again that Kallahs who receive from home a healthy and positive approach, are so much more prepared for marriage.
This bonus class will be yet another step in establishing a healthy outlook regarding sexulaity, and impart some guidelines on how to correctly convey this message to your children.
Total value of all the bonuses: $141
This is your golden opportunity to get direct answers to questions that have been bothering you.
Clarify any points about the course material or any personal questions you may have.
You will submit your questions by email, and I will reply with a personally recorded Loom video* answer within a week.
* Click here to make sure you can access loom videos on your device in advance
Value $497
Value $47
The workshop which will show you how to revolutionize your Mikvah experience by overcoming Mikva anxiety.
Turn the Mikvah into a relaxing, pampering, and exciting experience.
Value $47
Learn how to reinforce your commitment to your husband and marriage.
Gain a new attitude and perspective towards Mikvah night.
Value $147
An in-depth review of the laws of family purity, with a visual clear slide show.
Even if you know these Halachos in your sleep, it's always important to review and hear it again.
Value $47
Value $47
Practical and easy to implement tips and ideas to help create space for intimacy. For many women, this is one of the biggest challenges!
Say "bye" to all that guilt and frustration of yet another day gone by where you've barely exchanged more than a glance and two sentences... ("Did you pay that bill?", "Your brother called looking for you"...)
The workshop that will teach you how you can turn your daily routine from draining to energizing.
Imagine getting to the end of the day feeling like a million dollars instead of feeling like the cleaning lady ;-)
Feeling like the cleaning lady is not all that conducive to marital intimacy...
Total value of all platinum bonuses: $832
" I just want to say thank you for giving me the opportunity to join the most amazing course. You were literally a shaliach and came at perfect timing, just when I needed it most :) Every session was enlightening, interesting and practical, down to earth. By the third session my husband said he already sees a difference! I'm not saying that I'm there yet, I'm actually very far from having the "perfect shalom bayis", but at least I have tools now- know what the problem is, where I need to get to, and how to get there. Everything was said with such wisdom and I personally liked it that you quoted directly from sources, showing that it's not just "fluff". Overall, this was a really amazing course. Thank you for everything you do for Klal Yisroel.
My husband recently told me how he feels we really got closer .. I feel like I really made a shift in my mind in a lot of ways and it was so amazing. I want to thank you for the tremendous impact you had on our family! "
Basic Track Value: $638
Your Price: $497
Platinum Track Value: $1,470
Your Price: $797
Truthfully - this online course is beyond priceless
To ensure your 100% satisfaction, I'm offering you a 30 day money back guarantee.
If for whatever reason you wish to discontinue, just send me an email and I will fully refund you, no questions asked.
"There was so much that just made me feel better about so many things in my life.
Your gentle way of giving things over is incredible!
I listened to almost all the classes twice already. "
" I just wanted to share with you what an amazing change we've had in our marriage, in your zechus.
This past week I went to the mikvah for the first time since I started your course, and for a change I could not wait to be after, and experience that intimacy you so much talked about! and all I can say is that it was the best it has ever been in our 7.5 years of marriage (my husband said he feels like this is all a dream and that for him these are the best days in his life!!!) even people from the outside commented that lately I seem so relaxed and content (obviously they know nothing of what is going on behind the scenes)
So again thank you so much and I really hope you manage to get out to as many Jewish women as possible! "
Hi, I’m Faigy Pollock.
I like to think of myself as a hand holder.
I hold the hand of women just like you as they embark upon the journey to a much happier, healthier and satisfying intimate life.
I’ve helped hundreds of women of all ages and stages work through the stuff that gets in the way for them in the bedroom.
I’m an experienced kallah teacher and EFT practitioner, and I specialize in intimacy and sexual function.
I’ve created this unique course on intimacy, Unblock Your Way to Oneness, to help you work through that stuff, too.
" I really found the course to be different to anything I'd learned before, and refreshing.
I actually took a kallah course before and thought it would be the same kind of thing, but it was so nice to hear everything from another perspective. Thank you! "
" You are so amazing and inspiring!!! Made a huge difference in my life. We are blessed with a gorgeous marriage from day one. But your words somehow elevated it into a magical fantasy heavenly experience!!! You are just amazing! Keep doing it forever for as many people as you possibly can!!!! "
" This was the most beautiful, inspiring, uplifting course I have ever taken in my life (and I have taken many)! I enjoyed it so much. It was the highlight of my week. "
" So many things make so much sense now.... why don't they just teach these to the Kallahs right away?"
These are real quotes from real women who took the course.
Names, and even initials, were not included.
This is to protect the total privacy of course graduates.
" I found your classes on intimacy very helpful and my husband found it incredibly helpful and validating. We've had excellent shalom bayis since we heard it and implemented it b"h. So thank you!! We hope we can sustain it. "
" I truly believe that you are a malach that was sent to me from heaven. This course has completely changed me, and I only listened to 3 classes so far! It is fascinating, so profound and real, everything is straight on target and there's actually a solution to all these feelings and problems! I'm truly amazed! Thank you for all the effort you put into these classes, it sure is worth it! "
Rabbi Dovid Ostroff shli"ta knows and endorses me.
Before I put together the course I spoke to Rav Ostroff, he gave his full haskama for the project. I discussed with him the topics I thought should be addressed in the course.
He gave me the green light.
Yes, and yes again. Whether you are struggling or deeply satisfied, marital intimacy is an area where there is no end to the depth and joy that can be reached.
No, if you join the basic package you will not be able to receive answers to your questions.
If you feel that this is something you will need, please join the platinum package, which includes 3 months of personal guidance via loom video.
No!! The course is so private, due to the sensitivity of the subject.
Quite explicit. In the sessions that address intimacy, explicit references are made. All of course in a respectful way, but explicit. You definitely want to listen to those sessions with no one around, or with ear phones.
Due to the sensitivity of the topic , none of the classes are downloadable.
You will have access to the course as long as it is active.
You are guaranteed a minimum of 1 year of access.
If the course is discontinued for any reason, you will be notified by email and given three months to complete the material.
Sure! Please contact me so we can work out a payment plan that suits you.
Yes sure. Please contact me so we can work out the payment method best for you.
You will have to check this out for yourself. Of course, if it does not work, I will fully refund you.
" I finally finished listening to the course. It was incredible. The information is so valuable, and you gave it over so beautifully and comfortably. The course was so full of useful and practical information, and the presentation was very enjoyable. "
" I found it so interesting and a lot of the things that I had questions on or had the wrong perspective on, were much more clearer to me after this course. "
Close your eyes.
Take a deep breath. For real.
Allow yourself to imagine an amazing intimate experience.
Dwell on that for a few moments.
Intimacy that begins behind closed doors and pours over and touches every single part of your relationship with your husband.
In Hebrew it’s called “Deveikus”.
You want that.
You have it within you to create it.
All you’ve got to do is take the next right step.
Every journey to greatness begins with one little step.
The decision to make a change.
The commitment to never settle for mediocrity.
You CAN just continue to flounder through marriage and grow distant as time goes on, you CAN allow the spark to flicker and die...thousands of couples spend their lives like that.
You can join the Course on Intimacy - Unblock Your Way to Oneness, and Unblock YOUR way to that incredible oneness.
You and your husband ARE one.
Learn how to LIVE that oneness each and every day.
An abundance of clarity and love is waiting for you just beyond this button:
For further questions and more information contact support@unblockyourway.co.il
© Unblock Your Way to Oneness 2025